Household & Real Estate

Log Cabin Repair Basics – What Companies Do (and You Can Too!)

Log cabins can be particularly susceptible to moisture issues, so it is crucial that they are regularly inspected both spring and fall by the professionals, which may require some of the following work done to your property.


Water Damage

Water damage to log homes is an increasingly prevalent problem, caused by rain, ice, snow and even condensation that accumulates over time. To address this issue effectively and avoid future rot issues, the key lies in identifying and fixing its source, which could include anything from clogged gutters, improperly installed base flashing, gardens/sidewalk splash back, plumbing leakage or plumbing issues.

Keep your logs protected against water damage with an appropriate stain designed to seal against moisture – something like a clear penetrating epoxy sealant is one such product, designed specifically to seal against it while simultaneously drying into the wood, keeping moisture out.

If your logs have become decayed or rotten because of water, the best course of action is replacing them. It is crucial that this be done correctly by an experienced professional; although in some instances rotted areas may be repaired by cutting out affected logs and filling gaps with sawdust mixed with wood glue, though this approach may work occasionally. Professionals advise instead that you contact an established company which has experience replacing entire logs.


Log cabins require regular upkeep in order to protect against damage caused by weather elements. Moisture is one of the primary contributors to rot, leading to serious health concerns if left unmanaged.

Controlling water leakage into gaps or cracks around openings within your home is especially crucial – with a log home, this means ensuring runoff of rainwater is managed appropriately so gutters function optimally and downspouts don’t leak – we suggest going outside at least twice annually during an extreme rain event to inspect this aspect.

One of the most frequently occurring log repair needs is corner joint and chinking area rot, caused by water entering through gaps or cracks into corners of homes through leaky gutters or downpipes, improper base flashing, sidewalk splash back or garden run-off too close to logs. Therefore, it is advisable to treat such areas with penetrating wood preservatives such as Tim-bor Professional Borate Pesticide & Fungicide before any issues develop.


Mold on logs and other wooden products may seem like just another cosmetic concern, but it could actually be an indicator of larger issues like wood rot. Both mold and wood rot thrive in damp, humid environments so it is imperative that any affected areas receive treatment immediately; applying borate preservative can help ensure future problems don’t return.

Mold can be difficult to distinguish from tannin and blue stains on logs, as explained here, so it is crucial that before starting cleaning operations it be determined if any dark marks on them are actually mold. An effective way of doing so is cutting off a small piece and treating it with bleach – if its mark disappears upon treatment then most likely this is mold and not tannin or blue stain.

If the area affected by mold is a bathroom or another humid space, such as an attic or cellar, installing a dehumidifier to rid of excess moisture is likely necessary to mitigate mold growth. Any damaged chinking, leaks, or windows in which water has collected should also be addressed prior to installing a dehumidifier.


Log cabins are built to bring nature closer to us – but this also invites pests of all sorts into their living environment. Insects of all varieties can damage logs, woodwork, and insulation in log homes quickly if left unattended – prevention is much cheaper and less invasive than dealing with issues once they occur.

Wood-boring insects pose a real threat to log cabins, and their damage can quickly add up. Carpenter ants, powderpost beetles, longhorn beetles and other wood-boring bugs can tunnel their way into logs to gain entry, making them susceptible to water penetration and ultimately rot.

Prevention begins by treating all logs used for construction with insecticide before assembly begins. Many popular trees produce sapwood that attracts bugs and wood-boring insects; to avoid infestation; using pre-treated lumber is your best defense against an invasion by these pesky creatures.

Regular cabin maintenance will go a long way toward keeping pests away, too. According to the specialists from, moisture and rot are the main culprits behind bug infestation, so taking steps to address either problem will help minimize bugs’ presence in log cabins. If any signs of moisture or rot (powdery residue, sawdust piles or hollow sound in wood) arises it’s essential that swift action be taken immediately in order to limit further damage and keep bugs at bay.

Checks should also be addressed promptly – these cracks arise as wood fibers dry and separate naturally and can pose a real challenge in log cabins requiring immediate intervention from homeowners which allows them to be easily applied themselves.