
6 Family-Centric Tips for a Stress-Free Move

Moving house is one of the most stressful life events. According to research, nine out of ten persons claimed that the process of transferring homes had stressed them out.

Most people hate moving house and the stress that comes with it. You need to organize everything yourself and organize it quickly. Time is of the essence as you don’t want to be stressed at your new property if there’s still junk at your old one.

While moving house may seem like a hassle on your own, adding in children greatly intensifies the stress of a move, you want to make stress-free moving tips for families on how to move. When moving with a family, you need to make the whole process run as smoothly as possible.

Below are six tips on how to move with children, making your move that little bit smoother.


1. Start Early and Plan Ahead

Making a stress-free move as a family starts by planning early and working together. Start by establishing a timeline starting with three months out, then two months, one month, and two days before the move.

Procrastination can lead to last-minute chaos, so give yourself plenty of time to plan and organize. Create a detailed moving plan that outlines the tasks you need to complete leading up to the moving day.

Make a checklist of items to pack, services to cancel or transfer, and any paperwork that needs to be done. By breaking down the process into manageable steps, you’ll avoid feeling overwhelmed and reduce moving stress.

2. Involve the Whole Family

Moving can be an incredibly stressful event for everyone involved. To help reduce this stress, involve the whole family.

Break tasks down into manageable deadlines and assign each family member a role. Everyone can help with packing and unpacking to make the process go more quickly and smoothly. Take turns tagging furniture and items for transport and create a schedule for helping to load the truck on a moving day.

Older children may be able to help disassemble and reassemble furniture, while younger children can lend a hand with lighter tasks like folding boxes. If possible, plan a family outing for a relaxing break during the move. By working together as a team, your family will be able to make the move more enjoyable and support each other during stressful times.

3. Declutter Before Packing

Decluttering is an important step when it comes to planning a move as a family. Before packing, each family member should take some time to sort through items and make a list of what needs to be kept, donated, or sold. This is especially important if the move involves downsizing into a smaller home.

By eliminating unnecessary items, families can reduce the amount of boxing and unpacking they need to do during the move. This, in turn, can help cut down on the stress of the move.

Also, by taking time to declutter beforehand, families can save valuable time and energy when packing and unpacking. It is important to note that decluttering does not mean a huge and sudden lifestyle change but rather a conscious effort to sort through belongings and decide which items are necessary to keep. This helps to ensure a stress-free move for the entire family.

4. Consider Professional Moving Services

As a family, moving house can be a stressful process to manage. It can be difficult to plan and execute a move on your own with people involved and an overwhelming task list.

Consider visiting morduemoving.com, a reputable moving service that can assist you in planning a seamless transition to your new home. They are professionals who know how to make the process as hassle-free as possible. So, you can focus on preparing for a new home without the worry of managing the move.

Plus, professional moving companies can save you time since they’ll take on all the planning, packing, transport, and unloading for you. With their help, your family is sure to be ready for a successful transition into the new home.

5. Explore the New Area Together 

Moving with children to a new area can be a stressful and difficult experience. However, with a few simple tips, the move can be made a lot less stressful. One of the best ways to make the transition easier is to involve the entire family in the exploration of the new area.

Take a weekend trip to the new area to check out the homes, neighborhoods, and attractions. Spend time researching a great local business.

Go for a walk around the neighborhood and meet the neighbors. Having the family get excited about the move is also very beneficial, as all members can share their ideas and experience.

Another tip is to make sure the family is on the same page about the move. Ask everyone what they would like to contribute to the adventure. Make sure all family members are well informed about the details of the process. Taking these steps can help make moving a much less stressful experience and make it a great opportunity for enjoying a family outing.

6. Maintain Familiar Routines

As a family-centric way to manage the move, it’s important to try and maintain as many of your family’s regular routines as possible. Even though the entire family is adjusting to a new location, it is important to keep your old routines alive.

Have the whole family get involved. Kids can be made to feel valued, needed, and important when asked to take part in this sense.

Utilizing a printed calendar can be beneficial to plan out the move and free some of the environmental stress. Try to establish a sense of home while preparing for the move. Keep the focus on planning and order in what can be an aggressive situation.

Take steps to nurture the bonds you have as a family during the move. When possible, maintain prior events such as meeting up with friends and attending worship. Doing so will help the family settle into the new home more smoothly.

Learn More About Moving Tips for Families

Overall, moving your family into a new home can be a low-stress experience if the proper preparation takes place. By following these moving tips for families, you can move into your new home with ease and with the least amount of stress possible.

Contact professional moving services and ensure that everyone does their part during packing. Make the transition into your new home an easy and enjoyable one for the whole family.

If you find this helpful, check out our other posts for more tips!