
5 Things to Know About Curb Appeal Lawn Care

Curb appeal and home value go hand-in-hand.

If you’re trying to sell your home, you’ll need to pay close attention to your curb appeal. When you first pull up to a home, you have a few seconds to make a good first impression. Research shows that potential buyers associate good curb appeal with a well-maintained home.

You can increase your home’s curb appeal on a small budget with smart landscaping trends. Landscaping trends also help make home maintenance easier than ever before.

Want to know how to increase home curb appeal? Curb appeal lawn care is just one way you can add style. Let’s learn more!


1. Develop a Landscape Design Plan

Curb appeal lawn care is an important component of developing a landscape design plan. It is the part of the design plan that helps to increase the overall look and feel of a property.

To have well-maintained curb appeal, certain elements are necessary, such as an appropriate lawn size, precise lawn mowing, lawn fertilization, weed control, irrigation, pruning, and edging. Additionally, it’s important to choose trees, shrubs, and plants that enhance the property’s overall aesthetic.

2. Add Seasonal Color

Ensuring that you have an adequate amount of flowering plants or shrubs is essential. Adding colorful plants to your garden can create an eye-catching display that will draw attention to the front of your home or business.

You should keep an eye on the changing seasons and think about ways to keep your garden vibrant during each one. Adding bulbs in the fall is a great way to ensure that the first signs of spring will be a colorful one. 

3. Add Professional Landscape Lighting

With landscape lighting, you can add aesthetic appeal, safety, and security to your home or business. This type of lighting emphasizes specific areas of your landscape, such as paths, statues, decks, and patios.

This lighting will allow you to enjoy the beauty of your home and lawn for longer periods, and it can also provide safe pathways for your family or guests. When you add professional landscape lighting, you should make sure that you choose the right wattage and brightness level for the specific area.

4. Upgrade Your Hardscaping

Upgrading your hardscaping can dramatically increase your home’s curb appeal, and help you make better use of your outdoor space. Consider adding pathways that lead from your driveway to your front and back doors, as well as through your garden or landscape feature.

Patios and decks provide additional living space, and can be great for entertaining. Walls and retaining walls can add structure and visual interest to outdoor areas, and help create desirable outdoor living areas. 

5. Create a Landscape Maintenance Plan

A landscape maintenance plan should include a regular schedule of mowing, fertilizing, pruning, and weed control. Mowing should be done regularly every two weeks and should be conducted in a manner that keeps long-term structuring in mind.

A regular schedule of fertilizing should be followed, paying particular attention to nitrogen and weed control, in order to maintain a healthy lawn and avoid costly repairs in the future.

If you need landscaping professionals to do the job, visit https://www.aimarizona.com.

All About Curb Appeal Lawn Care

Overall, curb appeal lawn care is important for maintaining your home’s health and increasing its value. Make sure to properly research and plan out the kind of lawn care services that are best suited to the property before work begins.

Curb appeal lawn care is a smart way to improve the look and value of your home, so consider taking the plunge today!

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